Foreign language learning – can you cope?

Learning a foreign language is a tough thing to do and you can often feel like you’re getting nowhere fast. That the feeling of frustration is a normal one that everybody goes through when learning a new language. When you learn any other subject such as maths or science, you tend to learn how to do something and then that’s it. However, with foreign languages, you learn how to use them but then there’s another step; you have to be able to use them instantly, and this is what can cause the greatest frustration.

A foreign language is different to other subjects

If you learn maths, and somebody asks you to work out the missing angle in a triangle, you can do it if you sit down with a piece of paper, a pencil and possibly a calculator. Nobody would expect you to work out the answer in three seconds in your head. Yet, with languages, that’s exactly what you have to do. In order to speak a language fluently, you have to be able to formulate sentences in an instant. In a conversation, you have no time to sit and conjugate verbs or search for vocabulary in a dictionary. You have to do it all in your head instantly, or else the conversation gets jilted and feels awkward.

A foreign language is a different kettle of fish
Other subjects give you time to work things out

Well, very soon after I began teaching languages, I realised that this tricky thing called fluency is what everybody strives to achieve. There are few things as satisfying as being able to hold a conversation in a foreign language when you’re on holiday abroad, no matter how basic, it always leaves you feeling positive about your achievements. So, I developed a methodology that enables you to speak confidently and string sentences together from the very first lesson. The most important thing when learning anything is to get an instant feeling of success. If you feel like you’re succeeding as soon as you begin, you’re going to want to carry on, and that motivation is what will lead you to fluency.

You can learn a foreign language!

This was only meant to be a short introductory note, but it’s starting to drag on a little now! Let me end it by saying this:

We are all human beings, which means we all possess the attributes that make us human beings. There’s a wonderful quote by a man called Terence:

“I am human, and nothing that is human is alien to me”

What it means is that if one person is capable of something, then we are all capable of it, because we’re all humans too. There’s nothing in the world that I cannot understand if somebody before me has succeeded in understanding it. It’s only logical that since there are millions of people in the world who have managed to learn to speak a foreign language, you can learn it too!

Believe and you can achieve

I used to get so jealous of people who could speak a foreign language. I would listen to them and think that I would never be as good as they were. I’m lucky that I never gave up, though, because the benefits and positive feelings of being able to speak in another tongue far outweigh the frustration and negative feelings you tend to feel along the way. Just believe in yourself and you will achieve whatever you want. You will have doubts over your abilities and you will feel like giving up, but that’s normal! Just persevere and keep learning more and more and more and you will be amazed at what you can do (plus everybody else will be impressed).

Anyway, philosophising over. Start learning a foreign language today with 3 Minute Languages!

Learn a foreign language with 3 Minute Languages

With 3 Minute Languages, you can learn to speak a foreign language in just three minutes a day. You will find courses in French, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese. You will find three series of courses: 3 Minute Languages, Building Structures and Quick Guides.

3 Minute Languages

The 3 Minute Languages courses are perfect for the complete beginner. They will get you speaking a language from scratch, assuming you know absolutely nothing. You will be amazed at how quickly you’re able to put sentences together. And you will memorise new words and phrases easily without even trying.

Building Structures

The Building Structures courses are a revolutionary way to look at foreign language acquisition; you will learn how any language can be broken down into around fifteen structures. Each course focuses on a different structure, and you will learn how to form it, make it negative and turn it into a question. Each structure gives you a huge amount to say, and once you’ve learnt all fifteen structures, you will know everything about the language. All you have to do is fill in the gaps with words to form a sentence. These courses are for students who are slightly familiar with the language, and what to boost their progress.

Quick Guides

The Quick Guides are grammar guides. I recommend these for students who have already been learning the language, and would like to accelerate your learning. The Quick Guides are perfect for anybody who wants an in-depth look at a specific grammar point within the language.

All the courses are available on my website, on Udemy, SkillShare, SkillSuccess and many more places. You can also find every course in book, ebook and audiobook form on Amazon. Just search for 3 Minute Languages and the language you wish to learn, and you’ll find everything you need.

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