3 Minute French – Online Course

What is "3 Minute French"?

About this series of online courses

The 3 Minute French courses will take you from a complete beginner to speaking French by the end of the first lesson. The way the method works is by giving you words and small phrases and showing you how to put them together to form your own sentences.

The title, "3 Minute French", refers to a little learning technique that will make you a much more effective language learner. Normally, when people start learning something new, the first day or so are exciting and they're full of motivation and enthusiasm. People tend to study for hours and hours and they get through lots of work, however, very quickly this begins to dwindle. You might feel like spending hours studying French, which is great, but you want that feeling of motivation to continue. Your motivation won't continue, though, if you actually do spend hours studying. Limit your study time to chunks of just three minutes and you'll find three amazing things will start to happen:

1. You'll maintain your enthusiasm

If you want to learn anything, you have to maintain enthusiasm or else you won't continue. If you limit your study time to just three minutes, you'll keep French fresh and exciting, and you'll be eager to learn. If you spend hours studying, very quickly you'll get bored with French, and it'll turn into a chore

2. You'll study more consistently

It's much better to study for just three minutes once a day than to study for three hours once a week. A spare three minutes is relatively easy to find, even in the most hectic of schedules. If you make sure you complete at least one three-minute study session every day, it'll soon become a habit that you'll do without thinking. It's much easier to fit in a daily three-minute habit than a weekly one-hour habit. By doing this, you'll become a much more consistent learner, and consistency is the key to success.

3. You'll remember things better

This is my favourite reason as to why you should limit your study to just three-minute chunks. If you study something for just three minutes every day, you'll trick your brain into memorising the information more quickly than if it were to see the information for hours each day. It'll think, "I see this information every day, so it must be important, but I don't see it for very long, so I'd better hold onto it and make it into a memory fast!"

By sticking to the three-minute rule, you'll be amazed at how much more easily things tend to stay in your brain. You'll also find learning French is much more pleasurable and much less of a chore.

3 Minute French
Course 1 (Lessons 1-9)


3 Minute French
Course 2 (Lessons 10-18)


3 Minute French
Course 3 (Lessons 19-26)


3 Minute French
Course 4 (Lessons 27-35)


3 Minute French
Course 5 (Lessons 36-44)


3 Minute French
Course 6 (Lessons 45-53)


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If you'd prefer, you can get these courses as paperbacks, ebooks or audiobooks

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The method

3 Minute French
Building Structures in French
Learn French with the Pumblechums
French Quick Guides
Success in French Grammar
GCSE French
Online courses
